Hello there!
On the off chance you're reading this and don't actually know me, the previously mentioned head shave went fantastically!
It was brilliant to see so many people being so supportive, going beyond close friends and family which surprised me to no end!
As well as going towards cancer research, money raised went to Scottish Exotic Animal Rescue (SEAR) and all their awesome lizards etc
You can check out their site here!
Afterwards I experienced life as a bald man. it was an interesting feeling, not having anything catching the wind or getting waterlogged in the rain...
also have never been mistaken for my father more in my entire life!
While hairless I felt a spiritual connection with some of my bald heroes. Dara O'Briain, Ryan Sohmer, Ming the Merciless....
All the greats.
Since then I've moved to glasgow!
Now living with my own monkey butler called Eddy, however he insists he's just a dwarf.
Can't trust those damn monkeys....
Glasgow has offered a wealth of new experiences, Including being on the radio!
I co-host a special interest talk show on thursday nights called the Nerd Herd! We discuss a wide range of topics from games and their impact on modern life to highlander and it's appalling Scottish accents!
If you feel so inclined you can listen to us every Thursday night at 9pm GMT here!
Two hyperlinks in one post. I'm on a roll!
I'm gonna leave it there for now, maybe get a game review on here by the end of the week!
well I can dream.....
as always, thanks for reading!
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